Saturday, July 17, 2010

Heading Home for Now

The hardest thing about living abroad is leaving my family behind. And while I'm so far away, life goes on back at home. My mother, 89 years old, passed away yesterday. I had hoped to return home in time to visit with her, but did not make it. I'm going home tonight.

I expect to spend two or three months at home and then return to Tanzania. K2 will stay in Tanzania, where he's currently in the midst of the busy climbing season on Mt. Kilimanjaro. This will be my last post on this blog for the time being. When I make it back to Arusha, I'll probably blog again. Thank you all for reading my stories and commentary and for giving me so much encouragement, both in the writing and in the learning to live in Tanzania.

I  hope I can see some of you face to face while I'm back in the U.S.

Karibu tena (welcome again),
Kwaheri (good bye)

My mother (left) and her sister. I seldom saw either of them looking this serious.

My mother (right) with her sister and parents

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